Homeschool Update - January

We have been homeschooling for many years, and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I am writing a monthly homeschool recap to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work. 

We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc., We have gravitated toward this method over the years and found that it works very well for our learners and family lifestyle. 


Here are some items that we have read, listened to or watched during the month of January:

*The Holy Bible

Read various journal articles, PowerPoint presentations and completed question worksheets about animal science provided by their FFA teacher. 

Watched various YouTube videos about animal science provided by their FFA teacher.   

Review 4H Skillathon activities. 

*You Can Farm by Joel Salatin 

Watch How to start your own profitable grazing operation without owning land - Greg Judy Regenerative Rancher on YouTube

Watch Could Insects Value Add Your Farm Waste? - Farm Learning with Tim Thompson on YouTube

Stockman Grass Farmer online class - Small and Special presentation by Joel Salatin

Watch Farmland

The Annotated Mona Lisa by Carol Strickland

Art Masterpieces to Color by Marty Noble

A Child's Introduction to Art by Heather Alexander

The Usborne Book of Famous Artists by Ruth Brocklehurst

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards

To a Different Drum by Pauline Hamilton

The Ology by Marty Machowski

The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

The New Answers Book 1 by Ken Ham

Utopia by Sir Thomas More, Edited by Paul Turner

How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler

Various articles from the Student News Daily

Watch Hand carding 100% angora rabbit wool for beginners and chit chat - Rabbitry & Yarns on YouTube

Watch How to Crochet for Absolute Beginners: Part 1 - simplydaisy on YouTube

Watch How to Crochet a Heart in just 2 minutes - Hooked by Robin on YouTube

Tree in the Trail by Holling C. Holling

Anno's Italy by Mitsumasa Anno

Richard Halliburton's Book of Marvels -The Orient by Richard Halliburton

The life of Christopher Columbus by Edward Everett Hale

Don't Know Much About the 50 States by Kenneth Davis

Marco Polo by George Makepiece Towle 

Watch Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? DVD

The Ultimate Girls' Body Book by Walt Larimore 

History's Most Magnificent Rulers by Hywel Williams

Our Island Story by HE Marshall

The New World by Winston Churchill

This Country of Ours by H.E. Marshall 

The Voyage of the Armada by David Howarth

The Little Duke by Charlotte Mary Yonge

A Child's History of the World by VM Hillyer

Watch The Delicious History of TV Dinners - Weird History Food on YouTube

Never Give In: The Extrordinary Character of Winston Churchill by Stephen Mansfield

Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula

Good Queen Bess: The Story of Elizabeth I of England by Diane Stanley

A Weed is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver by Aliki

Augustus Caesar's World by Genevieve Foster 

The Story of the Greeks by H.A. Guerber

The Life of Sir Francis Bacon by William Rawley

Prince Henry the Navigator by Leonard Everett Fisher

Daily Life in Ancient and Modern London by Betony Toht

Plutarch's Life of Phocion with Study Guide by Anne White

*The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 

Listen The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyon on Audible

*Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb

The Lost Prince by Francis Hodgson Burnett 

All Things Wise and Wonderful by James Herriot

*Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher 

No Fear Shakespeare - As You Like It by SparkNotes 

The Heroes by Charles Kingsley

Parables from Nature by Margarett Gatty 

Pilgrim's Progress Part 2 by Jim Pappas 

Various poetry selections by Robert Frost   

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien 

Various poetry selections by Walter De La Mare   

Age of Fable by T. Bullfinch   

Everyman & Other Miracle & Morality Plays by Anonymous

Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley

English Literature for Boys and Girls by H.E. Marshall 

Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

Elsie Dinsmore Book #2

American Tall Tales by Adrien Stoutenburg

The Children of the New Forest by Frederick Marryat

Various poetry selections by Sara Teasdale   

*Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of the Iliad by Rosemary Sutcliff

Poetry for Young People - Carl Sandburg by Frances Schoonmaker Bolin

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

Listen The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame on Audible

Alice in Numberland - Fantasy Math 

Watch Stand and Deliver (2010) DVD

Watch Learn Our History - Money Doesn't Grow on Trees DVD

Listen/Study Hymn - Trust and Obey 

Listen/Study Hymn - Keys to Canterbury

Listen/Study Composer - Vivaldi

Photograph for Kids by JP Pullos

Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan

The Winged Watchman by Hilda Van Stockum

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham

The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig

Listen Otto of the Silver Hand by Howard Pyle 

A Lion to Guard Us by Clyde Robert Bulla

Henry and Mudge books by Cynthia Rylant 

The Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder 

Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder

A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Water Babies by Charles Kingsley

The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien

The Gammage Cup by Carol Kendall

Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott

The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens

Watch Are Robots Dangerous? - TeachKidsRobotics on YouTube

STEM Starters for Kids Robotics Activity Book by Jenny Jacoby 

Watch How do robots know what they are looking at? - TeachKidsRobotics on YouTube

Watch How do robots experience the world? - TeachKidsRobotics on YouTube

*Napoleon's Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History by Penny Le Couteur 

Adventures with a Microscope by Richard Headstrom 

Watch various microscope videos on YouTube

A Drop of Water by Walter Wick 

The Burgess Bird Book for Children by Thornton Burgess 

Pagoo by Holling C Holling 

The Burgess Animal Book for Children by Thornton W. Burgess

Herb Fairies Book #11 - Fireside Stories by Kimberly Gallagher 

Elements by Theodore Gray

Mystery of the Periodic Table by Benjamin Wiker

Watch How the Movement of the Earth and Sun Cause the Days, Seasons and Years - Virtual Elementary School on YouTube

Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity by Robert Cwiklik

It Couldn't Just Happen by Lawrence O. Richards

Watch Climate zones explained - explainitychannel on YouTube

Watch Seasons: What causes summer and winter? - LiacosEM on YouTube

Watch Fahrenheit to Celsius: History of the thermomether - Met Office - Learn About Weather on YouTube

*Watch various episodes of Ryan Hall, Y'all channel 

Archimedes and the Door of Science by Jeanne Bendick

First Studies of Plant Life by George Francis Atkinson

The Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball 

Watch Growing Asparagus at Home - TEO Garden on YouTube

Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herb by Rosemary Gladstar



Here's a list of more "formal" curriculum products that we have used during the month of January:

A Humble Place - Caravaggio Artist Study

A Humble Place - Albrecht Durer Artist Study

Beautiful Feet Books Around the World 

The Story of the World Volume 3

The Story of the World Volume 4

Song School Latin 

Getting Started with Latin 

Mind Benders by The Critical Thinking Co.  

*Right Start Math 

*Life of Fred - Jelly Beans by Stanley Schmidt

*Life of Fred - Apples by Stanley Schmidt

*Life of Fred - Dogs by Stanely Schmidt

The Art of Problem Solving, PreAlgebra by Richard Rusczyk

*Life of Fred - Prealgebra 2 with Economics by Stanley Schmidt 

Abeka reading books - these were gifted to us, and we use them for reading practice.  

*Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons 

Apologia - Anatomy and Physiology

Completing entries in a Nature Journal  

Watch Restoring an Abandoned Orchard - Anne of All Trades on YouTube

Watch Should We Bring Back Extinct Species? - After Skool on YouTube

Rural Hours by Susan Fenimore Cooper

The Story of Punxsutawney Phil by Julia Spencer Moutran

Michael Faraday's The Chemical History of a Candle with Guide and Activities by William Hammack  

Fix it Grammar

New American Cursive Book 3 



Here are some online classes/resources that we have used:

Seterra Geography Games 



Here are a few games/activities that we have enjoyed:



Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

*The Bears and the Bees 

Monopoly Rivals 

Build Offroader kit

Rush Hour Junior

Activities with Snap Circuit Classic 


BrainBox - Animals

Apples to Apples


     *Items marked with an asterisk are my personal favorites and highly recommended.


Here are a few field trips/activities that we have participated in during the month of January:

- We obtained two new goats. One of them is a project for our son. He plans on breeding her and starting his own small herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats. 


- After obtaining new goats, our wether became more aggressive. We gave him time, but he continued to become a problem. We made a difficult decision to part with him. Our son assisted with the sale of this troublesome goat at the Farmers Stockyards. 


- Our sons attended 4H Skillathon meetings. They spent time preparing for the upcoming state competition. It is a very involved competition in which participants compete in the following topics: breeds of livestock, external parts of livestock, skeletal anatomy of livestock, feedstuffs used in livestock diets, equipment, wholesale and retail cuts of meat derived from livestock, expected progeny differences (EPDs), common calculations used to measure animal performance and profitability, judging hay, judging meats, and judging performance classes of livestock. 


- Our kids attended 4H Livestock Judging meetings. They are learning how to evaluate the differences between animals, rank them and verbally justify their choices in front of judges. 


- Our sons attended a site visit to Oxbow Meats with our FFA group. They learned about the processing facility and discussed how meat was judged. 



- Our sons attended a site visit to a Kroger meat department with our FFA group. 


- The girls and I spent a day at the Ark Encounter. We had a great time!


- Our son helped to operate the sawmill. We dry the lumber in our kilns and use it for various projects or sell it to customers. 


- Our daughters attended the Pilgrim's Progress play by the Logos theater with our Co-op. 


- Our son continues to maintain his worm farm. We hope to utilize the worm castings in our garden this spring. 


- The girls continued to work on their crocheting skills. They made accessories for their stuffed animals. 



- Our oldest attended elective classes at Bluegrass United. He is participating in a Comic Club, a computer class of Introduction to AI (to clarify, artificial intelligence not artificial insemination) and a history class focused on Events that Changed the World.


- Our daughters attended multiple birthday parties with friends. They have a more exciting social life than I do!


- Our son attended the Winter Dance at Bluegrass United. 

- We hosted a few get-togethers with friends. 

- Our son continued to participate in his indoor soccer season. He enjoys having fun with friends while continuing to improve his skills. 


- We attended an archery meet to cheer on family members. 


- Our daughter continued to work on her photography by taking winter pictures and making cards. She is struggling with the bright lighting associated with the sun reflecting off of the snow. 


- Our son continued his wildcrafting unit study by researching and preparing various herbal preparations. He made an herbal tea and hot ginger balls. 


- Our son continued to work on various woodworking projects. 


- Like most of Kentucky, we had to deal with several inches of snow.


Our lives are not what is considered normal, but we are loving it this way! 


*For those that enjoy the booklists, I have attached links to my Amazon affiliate account. As an Amazon associate, I will earn money from any qualifying purchases made by using these link

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