
Roosters and the Undervalued Nature of Traditional Skills

Roosters and the Undervalued Nature of Traditional Skills

My son received an egg incubator last year. We have been putting it to good use and hatching out our own eggs roughly every month since January. When hatching out the eggs, the chance of obtaining a rooster is supposedly 50% but it really feels greater. Over time, we found ourselves with an abundance of roosters and a shortage of space for them. What do you do?   We could sell them at a small animal swap. We considered an animal swap but with the Farmers Market, soccer games and other commitments, we simply didn't have the time nor energy...

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Homeschool Update - July

Homeschool Update - July

We have been homeschooling for many years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I am adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work.  We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc., We have...

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Just Another Day in the Life...

Just Another Day in the Life...

Recently, I attended a homeschool event where a new homeschool parent asked me how I created a smooth workflow throughout the day. I had to be honest that while I try to design an existence of sunshine and rainbows for the perfect educational environment, it doesn't always happen. We live in the real world and real things happen. I can simply show my kids how to learn among occasional distractions, embrace the chaos and find joy in our time on this earth.  To provide an example of one of those not-so-perfect days, I will describe our Wednesday.    5am: I awake...

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Our New Collection - Photography on the Farm

Our New Collection - Photography on the Farm

What do you do you when your child expresses and interest in photography? Well, you get a camera and a printer and see what she can do, of course!    Our daughter stated that she wanted to learn about photography during the previous school year. This topic isn't the easiest to turn into a homeschool class as the available information isn't always applicable to simple cameras. We didn't want to spend a lot of money on a camera as this could be a passing interest or she could break the camera (it happened) with childlike neglect. I added library books,...

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Homeschool Update - June

Homeschool Update - June

We have been homeschooling for many years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I am adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work.  We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc., We have...

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