
A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

There are a lot of misconceptions about homeschooling families. Some people believe that we never leave our home. Some people believe that we spend all day in front of the TV. Some people believe that we spend our days hunched over a Bible praying that the world will soon end. Some people believe that our children run feral throughout the land and bathe with the animals. Some people believe that we spend all day, every day quizzing each other on random historical facts. Some people believe that we just pretend to educate our children in an effort to circumvent the...

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Homeschool Update - March

Homeschool Update - March

We have been homeschooling for many years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I am adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work.  We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc., We have...

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Farm Flops

Farm Flops

There are times when life doesn't go as planned. There are times that things fall apart. It is tempting to show and discuss only the good things about owning a farm and living our weird life, but we are going to be transparent here and share a few problems that we have experienced lately. We hope that it will inspire others to keep going in their pursuits even when things get tough.    Rabbit Cannibalism Our doe, Patty, had baby bunnies in February. They were adorable babies and she appeared to be taking care of them. It is known that...

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Our Eclipse Day

Our Eclipse Day

Leading up to the eclipse, I had many ideas as to how we were going to include this into our homeschool plans. Eventually, I decided that I did not want to risk traveling with my kids during a time with other distracted drivers would be adding the activity of "looking at the sky" to the many other things that they do while operating a motor vehicle. We settled on a planned quiet day at home. Our goal was to complete our chores and bookwork and then spend some time in the afternoon under the darkening sky. I didn't even buy...

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Homeschool Update - February

Homeschool Update - February

We have been homeschooling for many years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I am adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work.  We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc., We have...

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