
What is Food?

What is Food?

*The background of the blog image was obtained from the Tufts article described and referenced below.   For many years, I never thought much about the food that I consumed. I live in a wealthy nation where food is abundantly available, so I just assumed anything listed as "food" on the grocery store shelves was of the same quality and safe for consumption.  After having kids, I started to question those assumptions. I may have ignored the warnings against junk food when it came to my own health, but I wasn't willing to do so when it came to my...

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Easter Decoration Video

The hubby made a video describing the process of making one of our most popular products. Check it out!     If you are interested in purchasing one of these items, check out the items available in our shop at:Open Tomb and Cross Wooden Decoration – PJ's Projects ( Or email us at . 

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Homestead Update - February

Homestead Update - February

Homesteading is a journey. Some months you accomplish your goals by leaps and bounds. Other months, you fall back a few steps. The important part is to keep working hard to progress forward in your goals. It doesn't happen overnight. Many websites make it seem easy, but it isn't. It takes baby steps to get to the big projects. So, I'm starting this monthly homesteading update to share our progress and setbacks. I hope that you find them useful in your journey of homesteading.    February - We moved goats to clear out overgrown areas.  We have several overgrown areas on...

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Custom Order - Floating Shelves & Mantle

Custom Order - Floating Shelves & Mantle

  We had a custom order for floating shelves and mantle.   The shelves were created from white oak logs. The logs were milled with our sawmill and dried in the solar kiln.   After the hubby made the shelves, the project turned into a father-and-son adventure for installation. The teenager wasn't thrilled with the early morning start time.  After he woke up, he began to enjoy the work and learning experience.  The corners weren't perfect 90-degree angles. The floating shelves were designed roughly a half inch longer, so that the inside corner could be scribed onto the shelf prior to installation. ...

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Expanding Our Flock

Expanding Our Flock

We have more chickens!  We decided to expand our flock and have plans on how to utilize these birds for compost generation and increased fertility of our land (more on that later). We ordered a group of our favorite breed of chickens, Barred Rock Plymouths.  We were a little concerned that they shipped from the hatchery on Saturday and spent the entire weekend in transit. Early Monday morning, I received a call from our local post office that our chicks were available. My daughter and I raced to the office at 7am to pick up our newest additions. They were...

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