


We have pigs!!! We love pork and we needed a large area of overgrown wooded area cleared out. What better way to combine those two things than to grow our own pork?!  We started out with the idea to get two pigs. One pig would be lonely, and we eat a lot of food in this house so it wouldn't go to waste. Then, the wheels started turning. If we were investing the money into the infrastructure for two pigs, then would it really be that much different than raising ten?  After a few calculations to ensure that we wouldn't...

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Homeschool Update - April

Homeschool Update - April

 We have been homeschooling for many years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I decided to try adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work.  We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc.,...

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Meet Daisy!

Meet Daisy!

Our dog, Duke kept trying to run beyond our boundaries. Was it because he was lonely? Was this just his nature? Would this stop if we got him fixed? We had been pondering many scenarios and possible options.  We were hesitant to get another dog. We love animals but we saw what happened when we got Duke to be a companion for our other dog, Roscoe. We knew that if we decided to get another dog that it would need to be submissive and calm.  Then, like magic, an advertisement appeared on my Facebook feed of Great Pyrenees puppies for...

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Towel Giveaway

Towel Giveaway

We recently participated in the Cynthiana Home and Garden Show in Cynthiana, KY. During this show, we held a contest for a free set of towels.  The winner is..... Mary Beth M.    Congratulations, Mary Beth!! I just sent you an email with details on how to receive your prize.    This was a fun and popular contest among our customers. We may be offering more in the future, so consider signing up for our newsletter for more details and your chance to win.   

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Homestead Update - March

Homestead Update - March

  Things are really happening fast this spring and I realized that trying to cram all of the information into a monthly blog isn't feasible. Therefore, I will try to catch you up on some things and then post more regularly on individual events.  March The month of March was focused on three main things: 1. Moving the animals outdoors.  We kept the chickens and rabbits in our greenhouse on deep bedding over the winter months. I really like this setup as it provides better shelter for the animals, develops composted material, is closer to the house and we have...

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