
Continuously Growing and Growing Roots

Continuously Growing and Growing Roots

One of my favorite children's books is If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff. First of all, this book fits my personality in how I tend to jump around with ideas, inspirations, thoughts, etc. It also has a deeper meaning to me. The deeper message is that you don't always know where a decision will lead you.  When you say "yes" to something, you are inevitably saying "no" to other things. Despite the discussion of inequalities and unfairness, we all have the same number of hours, minutes and seconds in a day. We must choose how we spend...

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The Problem with Gender Identification

The Problem with Gender Identification

Gender identity seems to be a hot topic for our culture right now. After some research, I have discovered a segment of this topic that is being vastly ignored and underreported. Could the reason that it isn't being discussed is because it only affects a small portion of the population? Is it simply too embarrassing for the affected individuals to discuss in polite society? My plan is to share the current spotlight of this topic to those hidden in the shadows of shame. I am guilty and here to share my story.    Correctly determining the gender of a rabbit...

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Homeschool Update - May

Homeschool Update - May

We have been homeschooling for many years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I decided to try adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work.  We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc.,...

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Mobile Chicken Tractor and Compost

Mobile Chicken Tractor and Compost

We have used our Chibbit (Chibbit – PJ's Projects ( for almost two years. It has allowed us to implement rotational grazing with the chickens and rabbits. This system has served its purpose very well. The animals receive fresh ground for exploration, nutrients and food while also improving the health of the soil. The main issue that we have with this mobile coop is that we can only move it with the help of the lawn tractor.    We wanted to try a different system that would allow us to move the chickens without machinery. We didn't want to abandon our...

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Custom Order - Indoor Rabbit Hutch

Custom Order - Indoor Rabbit Hutch

We were commissioned to create an indoor rabbit hutch. The customer had one rabbit and wanted it to fit a space approximately 2 feet wide by 4 feet long. It was indoors and didn't need to be moved around like an outdoor hutch.  The hubby created this original design.      After customer review, it was determined that they currently had a typical hutch-style home with a playpen around it. Like this:   They wanted to consolidate the two functions into one to allow the rabbit to have more open space to play but while also giving the owners more space...

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