
Don’t Miss this Opportunity to Improve Your Health!

Don’t Miss this Opportunity to Improve Your Health!

The headline may seem like click-bait but I promise that I’m not trying to sell you anything with this post (but feel free to browse the online store when you are finished reading 😉). I just don’t want you to miss this opportunity before all restrictions are lifted and people stop wearing masks.   What is this great opportunity? Switching from antiperspirant to natural deodorant!   A few years ago, I had a relative diagnosed with breast cancer. As you may know the risks for breast cancer are both genetic and environmental. While I can not change my genetics, I...

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More on Tobacco Rails

More on Tobacco Rails

We are continuing our discussion on tobacco rails and what we do to repurpose them in order to produce new items. In addition, we are branching out into video format. Our son has taken an interest in this method of communication and we are allowing him to participate in this way for our small family business. He is the young man behind the camera that is directing the video. Click the link below and enjoy!    Tobacco Tier Rails - YouTube or Tobacco Tier Rails (

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What is the Purpose of Tobacco Tier Rails?

What is the Purpose of Tobacco Tier Rails?

Many of our projects have been made from reclaimed tobacco tier rails. Since my husband and I both grew up on tobacco farms, we assumed that many people understood our terminology. Well, you know what they say when you assume!?! So, here's a quick explanation of their usefulness prior to being reclaimed and transformed into some of our homemade projects.   Why are tobacco rails needed? Tobacco leaves require curing or drying. When the leaves are freshly picked, they are green and contain excessive moisture that prevents them from being ignited and therefore cannot be smoked. As the tobacco leaf...

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Bathroom Cabinet Facelift

Bathroom Cabinet Facelift

The recent cold days have kept me stuck inside the house. It is one very good reason why I hate the winter months. During one sunny but very cold day, I noticed how horrible my bathroom cabinets looked. So, it was time to fix it. What better way to spend time indoors than to repaint and freshen up the indoor space? (I also painted the walls and we added homemade fixtures but those will be a topic for another day.) Here's a picture of the horrible, dirty, grungy, and ugly before:   I went through my paint remnants in search...

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Handmade Gifts and Sibling Rivalry

Handmade Gifts and Sibling Rivalry

A description of how handmade gifts are a way to stick it to my little brother (and provide a nice gift to a loved one)!

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