
Giving the Chickens Something Green in the Winter

Giving the Chickens Something Green in the Winter

A description of our experiment growing wheatgrass for chicken feed.

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Reviewing 2020 and Plans for 2021

Reviewing 2020 and Plans for 2021

The year 2020 was a difficult one for many people. Personally, I will look back on it as the year that the world collectively lost its mind. I understand that people behave in weird, unexpected ways during disasters and emergencies but this collective crazy was difficult to swallow. I did what I usually do in these situations, I withdrew in. I found that constant exposure the main stream media (MSM) and social media caused increased anxiety with very little educational or social benefit. I soon discovered that the MSM and social media sites repeated a lot of the same information...

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Is Fear of Death Preventing Us from Living?

Is Fear of Death Preventing Us from Living?

It appears as is if the world is losing its mind. The actions of so many have left me baffled. It took some thought, but I realized that the majority of these actions are simply a result of fear. The result of the fear of death. I don’t necessarily understand this fear. I have seen death in many different ways and while I have a preference of how I would like to die (if I had a choice), I don’t necessarily fear it. I am sure part of it is my faith and knowing that my days were numbered for...

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Lessons Learned Working in a Small, Rural Hospital

Lessons Learned Working in a Small, Rural Hospital

I was discouraged. I was frustrated. I found myself at the end of another shift at the hospital where I all I could think about were all of the ways the healthcare system is broken. For those of you that may not know, the healthcare system IS broken and has been for a long time. I wanted to jump on my soapbox and complain to the world about all of the injustices and frustrations that I felt. I started to review my career path and point out bad decisions that led me to this overregulated, underappreciated source of overtaxed income...

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My Experiences at a Chicken Processing Workshop

My Experiences at a Chicken Processing Workshop

As many of my readers know, we have been raising chickens for eggs, fun and education for a little while now. It only seemed logical that the next step would be to consider adding meat chickens to the mix in the future. During our journey with chickens I have learned a great deal about the care of this animal but the processing portion would be completely new. As the events of March/April 2020 have shown us, the ability to obtain processing of your animals is not always easy nor cheap. Due to the particulars of the breeds of meat chickens...

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