
I Did It!

I Did It!

            A year ago, this business didn’t exist. I had a couple of random sales from family and one from a yard sale but otherwise, I was just taking the leap. My primary goal was to find an income stream that would allow me to decrease my hours at the hospital and selling items that I made appeared to be the best option. I was burned out. I was tired. I was grumpy. My spirit was low. The broken healthcare system was dragging me down with it but I needed the income to pay off my remaining school loans and...

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Working From Home

Working From Home

After a full day of school including a field trip, I asked the kids to give me an hour or so of uninterrupted time to catch up on my work. I had planned a full hour of taking pictures and posting new items for Christmas sale. Then this happened......Interruption #1 - My son enters the house very visibly upset and states that we have lost 4 chickens to a hawk as he just spent a few minutes scaring it away from its kill. I calm him down and return to the chicken coop with him to find the fresh remains...

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What Would I Do Without Them?

Q: What does a girl do in the spring and summer when her business is struggling? A: If you were me, you would become discouraged; consider quitting and cutting your losses. Luckily for me, I had friends and family to support me. So, I stuck it out.   Q: What does a girl do in the fall when her business starts to take off? A:  If you are me, you start to panic. Seriously?! Yes, I began to panic a little. I started to fear the increased sales. I questioned my inability to maintain an organized inventory. I beat myself up for...

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The Project That Financed It All

The Project That Financed It All

PJ’s Projects was inspired by the encouragement of friends and family about the projects that I was producing for my home. I continued these projects and transformed a table and chairs that I had no space to keep in my home. I decided to place them for sale during a multi-family yard sale. I liked the way that they turned out but I didn’t have faith that anyone would like them enough to spend their hard-earned money on them. Thankfully, I was wrong! This first sale is what financed the beginning of PJ’s Projects. I have made the rest of...

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They Follow Our Example

They Follow Our Example

Being a parent is hard. In today’s society it may even be harder as we have so many ways for other people to judge our decisions. Social media has allowed so many ways for us to connect with people that we would normally only see at random encounters at the store or at reunions. While this can be a good thing, we also feel as if we have to present ourselves in the best light. Who wants to read or see someone complaining about their life?! So, then we end up seeing only the best of others. It is difficult...

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