
Vendor Fairs

Vendor Fairs

Have you ever been to a vendor fair? Other names include farmer’s markets, craft shows, street fairs, festivals, etc.  If you have not, I am sure that you have seen them set up or advertised. The products being sold in these events range from ANYTHING homemade to individuals working for multi-level marketing companies.

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The Questions Parents Ask

The Questions Parents Ask

Becoming a parent changes you. You become less selfish. You become more paranoid about the dangers in the world. You begin to question a lot of things that you never did before.

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The Master Crocheter

The Master Crocheter

PJ's Projects was not built alone. I have had a lot of support from family and friends. The most active supporter has been my mother. Sandra is the master crocheter for PJ's Projects. She hates pictures. Did you notice the graphic rather than a picture of her smiling face? Sandra is a mother of three, grandmother of twelve and was a public school teacher for many years before her retirement. As many of you know, there are a lot of issues with the public school system but despite them all, dedicated teachers (including my mom) spend their time and energy...

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How I Went From Zero to Nine Cats Overnight

How I Went From Zero to Nine Cats Overnight

We recently moved from a subdivision into a home with five acres of land. We are very excited to turn this property into a small homestead and have various projects in process and planned for the future. It did not take us long to discover that we had unwanted inhabitants in our shed. As time progressed, these mice became more brave and defiant to our ownership of the property. Since I refused to allow my husband to use poison to end these pests, we were limited to mouse traps or cats.

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A Fixer

I recently read that customers want to know more about the person selling the product and their story just as much as they want to simply “buy stuff”. So, I am going to pretend that it is a true statement and spend time on my blog telling you about me. I hope that you find it enjoyable, amusing or at the very least…….tolerable.   I am a Fixer.                 Just ask my husband, he claims that I have been trying to fix him from day one! I see a problem and I want to fix it. I think that is...

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