Custom Order - Indoor Rabbit Hutch

We were commissioned to create an indoor rabbit hutch. The customer had one rabbit and wanted it to fit a space approximately 2 feet wide by 4 feet long. It was indoors and didn't need to be moved around like an outdoor hutch. 

The hubby created this original design.



 After customer review, it was determined that they currently had a typical hutch-style home with a playpen around it. Like this:


They wanted to consolidate the two functions into one to allow the rabbit to have more open space to play but while also giving the owners more space in their home. 

The owner wanted the hutch portion on top with the play area underneath. The hubby created this base.



After verifying the layout with the customer, the hubby continued to work on the project. 


Next, he added hardware. I painted the hutch a color to match the interior of the customer's house. This dark gray is a very pretty color. 

The rabbit is litter box trained and the hutch was to remain indoors so there was no need for a wire bottom. We were able to create a pretty wooden bottom for this hutch. 


After discussion with the customer, we decided to stain the top of the hutch to match some of the wood furnishings in their home. 

I think the stain added a layer of depth to the piece. 


The final product!

The top can be used for living quarters and the bottom for a playing area. The colors and wooden components allow the owners to have an area for the rabbit that doesn't completely take over the house and looks as if it fits into the decor. This is one lucky rabbit!

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