
We Had A Baby!

We Had A Baby!

I have discussed our pregnancy issues in the following posts: The Unexpected Diagnosis – PJ's Projects ( , I Am Tired – PJ's Projects (,  Pregnancy Update – PJ's Projects ( , Pregnancy Update #2 – PJ's Projects ( , Pregnancy Update #3 – PJ's Projects ( and Pregnancy Update #4 – PJ's Projects ( I appreciate all of the many words of encouragement and support. This post is another update.    The entire event has been a whirlwind. Basically, the surgery went well and we avoided complications. Baby has required a NICU stay but she has improved daily. We are hopeful to be able to bring her home soon. ...

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Pregnancy Update #4

Pregnancy Update #4

I have discussed our pregnancy issues in the following posts: The Unexpected Diagnosis – PJ's Projects ( , I Am Tired – PJ's Projects (,  Pregnancy Update – PJ's Projects ( , Pregnancy Update #2 – PJ's Projects ( and Pregnancy Update #3 – PJ's Projects ( I appreciate all of the many words of encouragement and support. This post is another update.      32 Weeks This week wasn't medically eventful. This hospital has attending physicians that switch rotations roughly every week. They technically work as a team, but I have found that instead of discussing their differing opinions with each other, they tend to just show...

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Custom Order - Floating Shelves

Custom Order - Floating Shelves

A customer moved into their new home and then entrusted us with the task of adding custom, floating shelves. The hubby did all of the work on this one (with a little assistance from our son) and it turned out great!   We obtained ash wood slabs from another woodworker (our ash wasn't sufficiently dried at the time of the order). The raw wood was cut to size and sanded.  Then, the hubby started the process of installing them.    To be honest, I didn't listen to all of the details of the installation process as this is the hubby's...

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June Homeschooling Activities

June Homeschooling Activities

We have been homeschooling for eight years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I decided to try adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work.  We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc.,...

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Pregnancy Update #3

Pregnancy Update #3

  I have discussed our pregnancy issues in the following posts: The Unexpected Diagnosis – PJ's Projects ( , I Am Tired – PJ's Projects (,  Pregnancy Update – PJ's Projects ( and Pregnancy Update #2 – PJ's Projects ( I appreciate all of the many words of encouragement and support. This post is another update.    30 Weeks Week 30 was pretty boring, which is good considering the alternative. The weekly ultrasound didn't show any changes except that the amniotic fluid level was on the high end. This isn't concerning by itself and everything else looked good.  Physically, things were progressing, and I also had...

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