
I Am Tired

I Am Tired

I have received an amazing amount of support and encouragement from my last blog post where I described our current medical issues (The Unexpected Diagnosis – PJ's Projects ( Thank you!! However, I realized after reading through all of the comments that I have inadvertently misled you. For this, I owe each of you an apology.  Many of you have mentioned my strength or courage in this situation. You are wrong. I am experiencing a ton of emotions right now, but strength and courage are definitely not included in that list.  I began contemplating how I would describe my feelings...

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The Unexpected Diagnosis

The Unexpected Diagnosis

*There are decisions made in this story that may be controversial to some readers. I am not asking for anyone's approval of the decisions that we have made during this difficult time. I am simply telling my story.    There are some readers that keep up with my blog posts (thank you so much, by the way!) and have noticed that I have mentioned a medical condition that has changed our lives. It has taken me a while to process everything and put my thoughts into words, but here is the story. We discovered our surprise pregnancy in late December...

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April Homeschooling Activities

April Homeschooling Activities

We have been homeschooling for eight years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I decided to try adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work.  We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc.,...

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Buyer Beware!

Buyer Beware!

There once was a couple that bought a small farm. This couple wanted a barn. This couple was very foolish and naive in their dealings with a contractor that led to multiple problems. That lady in the couple mentioned was me, and here is our story.  Prior to the move, we asked around and received a recommendation for a group to build our barn. They provided us with an estimate and we were excited for them to get started. In between the initial consultation and hiring, we had a few delays in the purchasing of the new property (mostly paperwork...

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Custom Order - Hair Tool Organizer

Custom Order - Hair Tool Organizer

We had a request for a gift to prepare a wooden organizer for hair tools to be placed on a bathroom countertop.  As a girl, I understand the necessity to keep all of the tools of beauty organized for quick use and was excited for this project! I may even request one for myself in the future.  This project was made from a wind-felled red oak tree obtained from a neighbor after a rough storm. We assisted the neighbor in harvesting the tree for removal and he graciously allowed us to keep the wood. We cut the red oak into...

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