
Custom Order: Upgraded Address Sign

Custom Order: Upgraded Address Sign

A gift was ordered to replace this old, worn-out address sign:     The new sign was made from a wind-felled red oak tree obtained from a neighbor after a rough storm. We assisted the neighbor in harvesting the tree for removal and he graciously allowed us to keep the wood. We cut the red oak into slabs with the sawmill and dried it in our solar kiln. The wood was cut to size and sanded. A wood conditioner was added, and the design was hand-painted with the customer's approved design on both sides.      Several layers of polyurethane...

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January Homeschool Activities

January Homeschool Activities

A family friend recently commented on my lack of Facebook posts regarding the kids and their homeschooling activities. She was right, I had stopped posting anything on my personal page. When the chaos of early 2020 hit, I discovered that the posts that I reviewed were full of negativity and hostility. I felt irritated and angry after spending time on this social media site, so I simply stopped. I never imagined that anyone would ever notice, let alone actually care. It was so kind of this person to remind me that what we do may be considered interesting, even if...

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Custom Order - Butcher Block Countertop

Custom Order - Butcher Block Countertop

Butcher Block Countertop.  The customer had a small countertop that needed a new look. She chose a lighter color to contrast with the main countertop and give it its own special place in the room. The countertop was made from hickory wood that was reclaimed from hardwood flooring. The nails were removed, the wood was planed and cut to the desired size before being attached together to give the striped look along the length of the countertop.    The wood was conditioned and prepped with a special butcher block oil containing organic orange and rosemary essential oils. I really like...

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Custom Order - Grinch Sign

Custom Order - Grinch Sign

We received several custom orders for holiday gifts. We wanted to wait long enough to ensure that we did not ruin any surprises, so we are going to show a few of these items over the next month.    The Grinch Sign.  We started with a bourbon barrel lid and sanded it down to get a smooth surface.    A conditioner was applied to bring out the natural beauty of the wood.    The wood design was cut and used to determine the best placement.    The design for the lettering was sketched to obtain an idea for proper spacing.   ...

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Covid or Efficiency Standards?

Covid or Efficiency Standards?

I keep reading articles about how the hospitals are struggling under the massive patient case load and inability to hire qualified workers. Some hospitals have resorted to utilizing National Guard services (paid for by government use of tax dollars). One common theme that each article points to is the stress of dealing with complicated Covid patients as the primary reason why so many qualified healthcare professionals are leaving the field.  A virus is constantly being given a lot more credit for destruction and devastation than it deserves. Healthcare people are a tough breed. You have to be tough to see...

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