February Homeschool Activities

We have been homeschooling for eight years and I sometimes forget that what we do isn't the same for others. So, I decided to try adding a monthly homeschool recap to this blog to demonstrate one way (there are so many methods out there!) that homeschooling can work. 

We use an eclectic method of homeschooling that leans very heavily towards the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. Without going into too much detail about this method, it can be described as very literature-heavy. We read and discuss A LOT of books. We don't spend a lot of time on workbooks, worksheets, etc., We have gravitated toward this method over the years and found that it works very well for our learners and family lifestyle. 


Here are some items that we have read, listened to or watched during the month of February:

The Jesus Storybook Bible*

Kirby McCook and the Jesus Chronicles by Stephen Arterburn*

Jonathan Park Audio Adventure Series #1 & 2*

VeggieTales DVD

The New Answers Book by Ken Ham

Tuttle Twins Podcast 

Tuttle Twins and the Little Pink House by Connor Boyack

It's up to You, Ben Franklin by T. Hirschfield

Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? DVD*

Richard Halliburton's Book of Marvels - The Occident

The Care and Keeping of You 1 by V.L. Schaefer

The Story of Inventions by M.J. McHugh & F.P. Bachman

Our Island Story by HE Marshall

Fearless Girls, Wise Women and Beloved Sisters by K. Ragan

Don't Let the Barber Pull Your Teeth by C. Bredeson

Trial and Triumph by R. Hannula*

This Country of Ours by HE Marshall

Carry a Big Stick by G. Grant

George Washington Carver by David Collins

Beware Princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer*

The Landing of the Pilgrims by J. Dougherty

Imperfect Union by S. Inskeep

Abraham Lincoln's World by G. Foster*

American Tall Tales by A. Stoutenburg

On the Banks of Plum Creek by L. Wilder* 

Prince Caspian by CS Lewis*

The Red Fairy Book by Andrew Lang

Disney's Prince Caspian DVD

The Heroes by Charles Kingsley

Everybody Bakes Bread by N. Dooley*

To Kill A Mockingbird DVD

Parables from Nature by Margaret Gatty*

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart by Kate Riggs

Play, Mozart Play by Peter Sis

Then There Were Five by E. Enright

Reading Rainbow DVD

You Can be a Paleontologist by Scott Sampson

Herb Fairies Book #7 by K. Gallagher*

Dinosaur Fossils by N. Hyde

Diplodocus by S. Lee

Wild Animals I Have Known by E.T. Seton

Secrets of the Woods by W. Long

Long Necked Dinosaurs by D. West

Digging for Brachiosaurus by T. Holtz

Spinosaurus by J. Gregory

Oviraptor by J. Zeiger

Plated Dinosaurs by D. West

Stegosaurus by C. Lennie

Homemade Wanderlust episodes on YouTube*

My Patients and Other Animals by S. Fincham-Gray

Helen Hunt Jackson Poems

Word World DVD


*Books marked with an asterisk are my personal favorites and highly recommended.


Here's a list of more "formal" curriculum products that we have used during the month of February:

Beautiful Feet Books - Teaching Character Through Literature

Story of the World 

Song School Latin

Critical Learning Company - Building Thinking Skills

Critical Learning Company - Mind Benders

Basics of Critical Thinking

Life of Fred

Right Start Math

Young Explorer Series: Exploring Creation with Zoology 3

English Lessons Through Literature

Fix It Grammar

Writing & Rhetoric



Here are online classes that we have enjoyed:

Chalkpastel.com Art Classes

Intro into Microsoft Excel

Foundations in Personal Finance for Middle Schoolers



Here are a few games/activities that we have enjoyed:

Ticket to Ride

Cross stitch project


Rush Hour, Jr



Nature Explorer's Activity Worksheet

Sibley Bird Bingo




Here are a few field trips/activities that we have participated in:

The kids spent some time with their newest cousin.




We introduced a new member to the animal portion of our family. Duke is a mixture between a Great Pyrenees and black lab. He's such a sweet little boy and is fitting in quite well. 





We discovered that our goats are naturals for Goat Yoga. Who knows? We may even consider offering classes in the future. 




We met up with friends for a day of fun and relaxed education. First, we had coffee and games at The Black Goose. Then, we gathered at a friend's house to enjoy her hospitality and to be educated on their snakes. Finally, we grabbed a really late lunch at Buffalo Wings & Rings before heading home. 






We joined a group of friends for an afternoon of fun and physical activity at Defy indoor trampoline park. 






The oldest assisted the hubby with insulating the solar kiln and taking inventory of the wood being dried. 




The hubby and kids spent a fun-filled evening with friends cheering on the Bengals for the Superbowl. 




We witnessed our first creek flood at our new home. 



The girls spent a night out with the hubby at the Daddy-Daughter Dance sponsored by Vineyard Church. 





The boys attended the Mercy Me concert with their grandparents. 






I am excited to experience all that March has in store for us! 


In case you are interested, here are some links to the places/items mentioned above:

Shop - Our Journey Westward

(308) Homemade Wanderlust - YouTube

 Home - You ARE an ARTiST! (chalkpastel.com)

Middle School Foundations in Personal Finance | RamseySolutions.com

 HOME (blackgoosegifts.com)

DEFY Florence, Kentucky - Defy Trampoline Parks

 Vineyard Christian Church



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  • Banks Mary on

    Busy busy life indeed and I am amazed at your dedication. You both are doing great.

  • Julie on

    What a super busy month !!! Cheers to March !

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