
A Good-bye Letter

A Good-bye Letter

Dear Healthcare System, This letter has been long in coming as it has taken me a great deal of time to organize my thoughts. The changes happened gradually, or at least my ability to notice them did, and it occurred like the proverbial “death by a thousand cuts”.   I went to pharmacy school to help people. I wanted to be useful. I learned a lot about the human body, how it works, what happens when it doesn’t work and how different chemicals, proteins and drugs change the functioning of those systems. I learned that the average American takes way...

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Hands Off!

Hands Off!

The hubby makes some amazing items but I rarely get to keep any of them. He started experimenting with cutting boards and charcuterie boards and I volunteered to try out the first one.     It was made from hickory wood reclaimed from hardwood flooring.      The wood pieces were cut, glued together, planed and sanded. I added a special butcher block oil and wax for the specific purpose of using it for food preparation.      I love it! So, hands off of my new cutting board!    

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Catch-Up Canning

Catch-Up Canning

Recently, I was able to witness the hubby and my 10-year old prepare and set out to hunt for deer on our OWN property. In the past, they had to travel to the in-laws and I never got to see the preparation. This is the child that can barely sit still long enough to complete a math worksheet but is reported to do well sitting in the cold woods for hours waiting for a deer. I guess it is all about our individual priorities! I had to convince him that he was not allowed to use his good sweater for...

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Custom Order - Specialized Wooden Sword

Custom Order - Specialized Wooden Sword

We were happy to finish this custom order, just in time for Halloween! Check it out!                  It was a large sword as demonstrated by our son:   The end result looked pretty cool with this awesome costume!   We love to create custom orders! Let us know if we can help you.   

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A Chibbit is the name for our newly designed and constructed device that we are using to improve our homestead. We have been researching regenerative farming practices and decided that we wanted our chickens to be mobile. We wanted them to have fresh ground to explore, more nutritious food (not directly provided by us) and less mess. During our studies, we discovered that when chickens and rabbits are placed together, the rabbits may become calmer. We wanted a mobile chicken coop with a rabbit hutch attached and so the hubby designed and built the Chibbit (combination of chicken and rabbit)....

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