
Homesteading Mistakes

Homesteading Mistakes

Humans have always felt a need to present the best version of themselves to others. To show our mistakes or flaws indicates a weakness that we want to keep hidden. This has only been exacerbated by our new ability to share ALL of the wonderful things with social media sites while continuing to hide the errors. This is understandable. No one wants to say "I messed up" and face the ridicule that comes with that. On the other hand, it doesn't paint a realistic view of our lives. While no one wants to know about the hundredth time that you...

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Automation with Chickens

Automation with Chickens

  We realized as the number of animals grew on our homestead that we needed to find a more efficient way to take care of them. One way that we are working on this is by placing an automated chicken feeder.  We purchased a feeder designed to feed deer but utilized it for our purpose. It has been hung into the tree and set on a timer to spread the feed at 8am and 2pm. Check out our video on how it works!    On YouTube:   On Odysee:   Overall, this system works just as intended. One issue...

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A Practical Joke

A Practical Joke

We were asked to prepare a product for a practical joke. Not only did we enjoy preparing the sign, but we still laugh at the prank behind it. Here's the story: A guy was visiting his friend after a recent move into their new home. Since they were very good friends, he decided to remove a loose knob from the cabinet above their bathroom toilet. His original intent was to hide it or devise some other prank to drive his friend crazy looking for it. Instead, he became distracted with conversation and realized after he returned home that he still had...

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Description of a Custom Sign - "Bee" Positive

Description of a Custom Sign - "Bee" Positive

We had a custom design request for a bee-themed sign. After discussion back and forth with the customer, we came up with a great item! The wood piece was harvested from our own small homestead. It is a slice of an ash log. An appropriate size was chosen and the bottom was cut to provide a flat based bottom.  The wood was sanded to a very smooth finish. A wood conditioner was applied.  The design (approved by the customer) was hand painted onto the wood. Several layers of polyurethane were applied to bring out the design and give it a...

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An Apology Letter

An Apology Letter

I recently had the unfortunate opportunity to listen to a very condescending conversation between two healthcare professionals about COVID-19 vaccine reluctance. Their attitudes towards those that disagreed with them and their belief that this vaccine was the cure to all of life’s woes was astounding. At one point the argument was made that the reason that the south has low vaccine rates is because it is “filled with uneducated and unintelligent people”. They were so wrapped up in their affirmation of their own beliefs that they forgot about the southern hillbilly sitting in the corner that has as much education...

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